Following are a series of blessings given to John Williamson Hill and Ivy Dixon on May 20, 1902 and May 22, 1912.

Pronounced upon the head of Elder John Williamson Hill, in the Salt Lake Temple Annex, May 20 1902, by President Rulon S. Wells.

Brother John Williamson Hill, we, your brethren, lay our hands upon your head and set you apart for a mission to the Northern States, to which mission you have been called by the voice of inspiration; and we bless you that the spirit of this calling may rest upon you from this very moment.  We ask our Father in Heaven that he will pour out upon you His Holy Spirit in rich abundance; that your mind may be lit up thereby and that your understanding may increase.  We bless you, dear brother, in your body, that it may be healthy and strong and in you mind, that it may be vigorous, and we say unto you, be humble and prayerful before the lord and keep all of the commandments which the Lord has revealed for the salvation of His children.  Let your mind be pure and holy and let your heart go out in sympathy to all men, and inasmuch as you will do these things, the Spirit of the Lord shall be your constant companion and you shall go forth trusting in Him and be a mighty instrument in His hands for the accomplishment of great good.  Your tongue shall be loosened and you shall be able to explain the Gospel with clearness and with great force,  not in the enticing words of man’s wisdom, but in power and demonstration of  the Holy Spirit; for the lord will be with you to strengthen you and qualify you for this important duty.  Therefore be of good cheer and let your heart rejoice, for you have been honored of the Lord.  Go forth trusting in Him, and you shall be able to accomplish a great work.

Now, dear brother, we admonish you to be faithful and diligent in your labors, and we bless you that you may have influence among the people.  We bless you that they may hearken unto your testimony, and those who listen to you shall be constrained to believe in the doctrines that you advance and will investigate the same, and you shall be instrumental in the hands of the lord of bringing souls to a knowledge of the truth.  We bless you that you may be preserved from danger and harm of every kind and that you may be warned of danger seen and unseen.  We bless you that you may go in peace and after fulfilling a faithful mission, that you may return in the due time of the Lord, with the blessing and favor of God resting upon you, to your loved one at home.  We dedicate you unto to the Lord and the ministry and set you apart to this mission in the name of Jesus Christ, Amen.

Sd.  Martin S. Lindsay,

Prior to her marriage to John W. Hill, A blessing was given to Ivy Dixon on May 22, 1912.  Following is a transcript of that blessing that was given by Patriarch John Letham.

Haden, Idaho May 22, 1912

A blessing given by Patriarch John Letham upon the head of Ivy Dixon, daughter of Albert Edward and Mary Jane, Dixon, born November 17th 1894 at Leeds, Yorkshire, England.

Ivy Dixon, in the authority of the Holy Priesthood and in the name of Jesus Christ, I bless you with a father’s blessing, and commend you unto the special care of your Father in Heaven, who has permitted you to come forth in this dispensation through the lineage of goodly parents, who have taught you in the first principles of faith and repentance, and cared for you with an increasing love through all the vicissitudes of your youthful career.

Now the responsibility of life begins to rest upon you, and you begin your career in the House of the Lord, and with these blessings your responsibility will grow and increase, and I bless you that you may be able to magnify in the Holy Priesthood which you will receive according to your sex, and the Lord will bless you and make you fruitful and great will be your joy in your posterity, you will also participate in all the blessings of your husband, but you will also participate in all his trials, and sorrows and afflictions but you will be wise and prudent councilor unto your husband, but your councils will not be of your own wisdom, but in the wisdom that the lord will impart unto you, if it be so that you obtain thru faith that you obtain that precious gift, and if  you are united with your husband, and take upon you the responsibility that belongs to you, you will be equal with him in all thing spiritual and temporal.

Nevertheless, man is the head of the woman as Christ is the head of the Church.

Dear Sister, I bless you that you may obtain the gift of wisdom and understanding pertaining to the things of God, and I bless you that your memory may become very retentive and that you may retain all that is given unto you by the Holy Spirit, and by the councils of those that have right to council you, and I bless you that your ear may be quick to receive the truth, and I bless you that your testimony may be with few words but accompanied with gift and power of the Holy Spirit.  And I bless you that you may never revile against the truth, and your lips will never be stained with falsehood.

Now dear Sister, you are of the tribe of Joseph, and the labors and responsibilities of Joseph will be taught unto you.  And as you observe the promises, so will they be filled  unto you.

Now These are your blessings, dear sister, and they are on the conditions of obedience, and if you are faithful in keeping the commandments of God you will come forth in the first resurrection clothed with immortality and eternal life, and also the powers of an endless increase, and I seal these blessings upon you in the authority of the Holy Priesthood and in the name of Jesus Christ, Amen.

Prior to his marriage to Ivy Dixon, A blessing was given to John Williamson Hill  on May 22, 1912.  Following is a transcript of that blessing that was given by Patriarch John Letham.

Haden, Idaho, May 22 1912

A blessing given by Patriarch John Letham upon the head of John Williamson Hill, son of William and Mary Ann Williamson Hill, born at Holbrook, Derbyshire, England, November 10, 1879.

Brother John, in the authority of the Holy Priesthood and the name of Jesus Christ, I bless you with a father’s blessing, Patriarchal, that the vision of your mind may be expanded, that you may comprehend the things of God, and by faith that you may be able to rend the heavens and gaze in the future and the present and come forth on the earth to do, and understand in a greater degree the work that you owe the lord in the priesthood, for no man will ever realize a fullness who treats the Holy Priesthood as a thing light, for the Holy Priesthood is given for the work of the ministry and for the performance of holy and sacred writs, and whosoever magnifies their calling will be numbered with the  Church of the Firstborn, and will be enable to subdue all things to the will of God and overcome every temptation, and have power to control in your ministry and in righteousness.

I bless you that you may be able to overcome every temptation that may be strewn in you path, and I say for your comfort and edification that the labors of your youth have been accepted of the lord,  I mean of you early youth, and if you will humble yourself before the lord he will pour out upon you a double portion of his Holy Spirit, and will sanctify you in the truth, so that whatsoever you do in his name will be recorded in the archives of Heaven and will stand as witness between you and this generation, that you will be clear from the blood of this generation, and your garments be pure and spotless and your crown  bright and holy,  and your name be recorded in the Lamb’s Book of life.

And to accomplish all that the Lord desires at your hands you must seek and obtain the gift of wisdom, for your labors will be amongst the Saints, and you may meet fault finders there who would make you an offender for a word.

But be patient and the Lord will give you the victory, and the pure in heart will never revile you.  Now see to your spiritual blessings and seek earnestly for the best blessings, seek for the gift of wisdom and understanding, and seek and wrestle until you obtain the gift of wisdom and understanding, and seek and wrestle until you obtain the gift of discernment and the spirit of revelation and prophecy will rest upon you, and if you feed the hungry and clothe the naked the Lord will multiply your sustenance and credit you with riches in the Kingdom of God, and this is your calling, for you are of Joseph through the lineage of Ephriam, and you and your posterity will possess this land so long as you sanctify it unto the Lord, and should you desire to preach the gospel abroad, the Lord will open up a way that you may have privilege, but that privilege will always be open to you at home.  I charge you that you may look after the record of your progenitors, that you may become with them, perfect.

Blessed are thou because you have turned your face toward the House of the Lord.  And the seals of the Holy Priesthood will rest upon you and upon your children, and they will become men of integrity, bearing the Holy Priesthood, and if you will keep the faith and keep the commandments of God.

I ratify this blessing and also all the blessings that you have received from your childhood under the hands of men bearing the Holy Priesthood, and I seal you up unto eternal life to come forth in the first resurrection, clothed with immortality and the powers of endless increase upon your head, and I seal these blessings upon your head in the authority of the Holy Priesthood and in the name of Jesus Christ.

Following are the personal accounts or lifetime stories of the following people in this

  • Albert Edward Dixon – Father of Ivy Dixon
  • Mary Jane Peel Dixon – Mother of Ivy Dixon
  • Bryan Lee Barney  – husband of Lillian Dixon, Lillian was the sister of Ivy Dixon
  • Lillian Gertrude Dixon – Sister of Ivy Dixon
  • Samuel Hill – Grandfather of John W. Hill
  • Mary Ann Williamson – Wife of William Hill
  • Murel Hill Kay – Daughter of John W. Hill and Ivy Dixon Hill and wife of Vernal D. Kay
  • History of Murel’s Grandparents – Mary Ann Williamson and William Hill
  • History of Aunt Harriet Hill Caldwell written by John W. Hill